Your Physical Body is an incredible, complex, and amazing vehicle that allows your vast energy and consciousness to incarnate here on the Earth physically... wow!
The Archangels have designed a unique 7-day sequence of support to create the highest potential healing and upgrade of the vitality of your Physical Body.
Receive Healing from the Angels for Your
Body’s Blood and All Fluids
With a focus on your Circulatory System and Hematopoietic System, Heart, Arteries, Veins, Capillaries
Listen to 1st Meditation from Saajz Azura
The Revitalisation Of The Enlightened Essence Of Your Blood And Fluids
This meditation purifies and upgrades your body’s blood and fluid systems, infusing them with Archangelic Light to harmonise, revitalise, and balance your biochemistry over 24 hours – 35 minutes.
Receive Healing from the Angels for Your
Bones, Muscles, and Skin
With a focus upon your Integumentary System, Exocrine System, Skeletal System, Muscular System
Receive Healing from the Angels for Your
Sensory Nervous System and Lungs
With a focus on your Respiratory System, Sight / Eyes, Hearing / Ears, Smell / Nose, Taste / Tongue, Touch / Skin
Listen to 2nd Meditation from Saajz Azura
Activating The Divine Intelligence Of Your Physical Body
This meditation activates your physical body’s divine intelligence, aligning it with your Higher Self and divine blueprint, while releasing limiting beliefs about the body in alignment with Universal Law – 40 minutes.
Receive Healing from the Angels for Your
Nervous System and Brain Chemistry
With a focus on your Brain, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Spinal Cord
Receive Healing from the Angels for Your
Lymphatic and Immune Systems, Digestive, Renal, and Reproductive Systems
With a focus on your Kidneys, Bladder, Liver, Galbladder, Lymph Nodes, Bone Marrow, Thymus, Spleen
Receive Healing from the Angels for Your
Hormones and Bio Chemistry Balance
With a focus on your Endochrine System, Glands – Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas
Listen to 3rd Meditation from Saajz Azura
Receiving Divine Love For Your Physical Body
This sacred meditation, offered by The Divine Mother and Mother Gaia, nurtures your physical body with Divine Love, infusing it with rejuvenation, regeneration, and healing through a special etheric chamber and cocoon lasting 24 hours – 76 minutes.
Receive Healing from the Angels for Your
Physical Body’s Pranic Energy Receptivity and Link with Mother Gaia
With a focus on your entire physical body and it's ability to receive the limitless natural Pranic Energy from Mother Gaia.