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The Planetary Beacon Project

Love, Unity & Peace for all Life where you live

The Planetary Beacon Project

Become part of a new global network of human beings who have said Yes to helping all life balance and return to peace.

By following a simple sacred ritual over 3 consecutive New Moons with the Angels & Archangels, you co-create an energetic Beacon Of Love, Unity & Peace that lives in the Earth beneath your home.

This Beacon blesses, balances, and uplifts all life where you live, enhancing your connection to divine energies and creating harmony and flow in your life, while also serving Mother Gaia and all beings.

We are so excited about inviting you into this amazing project that Saajz has been receiving information about for many years from his spiritual guides, and now we can begin.

Our primary intention is to activate 100’s of enlightened energy beacon’s all around the Earth with the Angels & Archangels.

Each beacon powerfully fosters harmony, well-being, and unity among humanity, nature, and the spiritual realms.

For a beacon to be created, representatives from all forms of life in that area must say yes to its activation.

We invite you to be the human representative, to be the one who says yes to the activation of a Beacon of Love, Unity & Peace at your location.

What is a Beacon Of Love, Unity & Peace?

Every beacon is a sacred, energetic focal point established to radiate high-frequency energy that blesses, balances, and uplifts all life around it. Activated deep within the Earth beneath a person’s home, this beacon acts as a source of pure harmony, enhancing connections with divine energies and infusing a flow of grace and ease.

Supported by a vast enlightened spiritual team of Angels & Archangels, the beacon serves Mother Gaia, spreading Love, Unity, and Peace in that location, to foster global well-being and the interconnectedness of all life.
The Planetary Beacon Project

How does a Beacon of Love, Unity & Peace work?

Each fully activated beacon is a very large etheric crystalline prism of enlightened spiritual technology, anchored deep within the Earth and interconnected with Gaia’s lightbody, ley lines, and songlines.

Within each beacon’s prism is a higher-dimensional vortex of enlightened frequency, lovingly cared for by a team of Angels & Archangels.

The beacon’s enlightened frequency empowers its spiritual technologies and sacred dispensations to gently balance humanity and nature's relationship, providing grace and healing to all life wherever it’s most needed.

For humanity, the Higher Self of anyone within the energy field of a Beacon of Love, Unity & Peace is contacted by the Angels & Archangels. In alignment with Universal Law, their Higher Self opens them to receive the beacon’s support, while the beacon never interferes, fully respecting each life form’s sovereignty and the Earth’s divine plan.

What You Can Receive

Participating in this project is a powerful opportunity for you to receive good karma through being the one to say yes, and co-create a Beacon of Love, Unity & Peace where you live, for all life to receive from.

You can also receive the enlightened energies and support of the Beacon of Love, Unity & Peace in your location once it is fully activated. This is overlighted by your Higher Self.

This is a very easy way to give planetary service for the highest good of all life here on Earth.

The Planetary Beacon Project

What do you need to do?

It’s simple!

1. You need to be at your home for 15 minutes at any time during a 48-hour window around the peak of the New Moon.

2. During this time, you will speak an Angel Activation prayer provided to you.

3. Repeat this process during the next 2 New Moons to complete the sacred activation of the Beacon of Love, Unity & Peace.
The 48-hour window gives you flexibility, and the entire ritual will take just 15 minutes each time. We provide all the information you need to make it almost effortless… and we will send you a reminder to do it.

Just make sure you can be at your home for the 15 minutes during the date and time of the 3 New Moons below.
Beacon Activation Process

Group 5
Beacon Activation Dates

You will need to be at your home for only 15 minutes during each of these 48 hour activation windows.

1st Beacon Activation Date - End of February

48 hour activation window starts at this time:
Los Angeles → Wednesday February 26 @ 4:44pm for 48 hours
New York → Wednesday February 26 @ 7:44pm for 48 hours
London → Thursday February 27 @ 12:44am for 48 hours
Paris → Thursday February 27 @ 1:44am for 48 hours
Hong Kong → Thursday February 27 @ 8:44am for 48 hours
Sydney → Thursday February 27 @ 11:44am for 48 hours
Press to convert this time to your timezone

2nd Beacon Activation Date - End of March

48 hour activation window starts at this time:
Los Angeles → Friday March 28 @ 3:57am for 48 hours
New York → Friday March 28 @ 6:57am for 48 hours
London → Friday March 28 @ 10:57am for 48 hours
Paris → Friday March 28 @ 11:57am for 48 hours
Hong Kong → Friday March 28 @ 6:57pm for 48 hours
Sydney → Friday March 28 @ 9:57pm for 48 hours
Press to convert this time to your timezone

3rd Beacon Activation Date - End of April

48 hour activation window starts at this time:
Los Angeles → Saturday April 26 @ 12:31pm for 48 hours
New York → Saturday April 26 @ 3:31pm for 48 hours
London → Saturday April 26 @ 8:31pm for 48 hours
Paris → Saturday April 26 @ 9:31pm for 48 hours
Hong Kong → Sunday April 27 @ 3:31am for 48 hours
Sydney → Sunday April 27 @ 5:31am for 48 hours
Press to convert this time to your timezone

Register Now

It’s so wonderful you are taking this action to activate a Beacon of Love, Unity & Peace over 3 new moons where you live.

The Planetary Beacon Project is offered from our hearts at no cost to you. While donations are always welcome and will be mentioned in our emails, there is no obligation to contribute.

We’re simply thrilled to have you join us in co-creating a Planetary Beacon of Love, Unity, and Peace where you live.

You may like to take a few moments to review our FAQ’s before you complete your registration.

Please review each item below to register

You will need to press each tick box to accept the item
Beacon 5 Registration

Whenever you are acting for the greater good of all beings you also benefit from balancing your karma, as this is a powerful action of giving.

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