⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The crystal light sessions have been an amazing experience for both my physical and light bodies, at a time when i required divine healing and balance. The extremely high divine light channelled by the angelic team, is an incredible opportunity and blessing. Thank you so much x
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Very powerful experience ! First I just felt like i was held in a soft cocoon, then I must have drifted of into another dimension. Not sure what happened, but it was strong and today I feel a lot lighter and my face is glowing :-) ! A big thank you.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This chambers of crystal healing always feel so supportive and nurturing. I always feel a loving warmth in and around my body as soon as the session starts and when it finishes I usually feel more clear and energised. I am so grateful to the angels, my higher self and Saajz for this beautiful offering.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ These sessions always provide a much needed boost up into a higher vibration and I feel the sweet energies of the Angels all around!
During the session, you’ll receive a powerful infusion of Crystalline Light and Divine Frequency from a team of Angels. You’ll be surrounded by one of three specialised Light Chambers, tailored to your specific needs for healing, activation, or acceleration.
The Healing Light Chamber focuses on illuminating and balancing your chakras, promoting physical and emotional well-being.
The Activating Light Chamber strengthens your capacity to hold light, awakening your consciousness.
The Acceleration Light Chamber enhances your ability to receive higher light frequencies, supporting advanced spiritual growth and alignment with your divine purpose.
The session lasts 45 minutes, after which you’ll be placed on a seven-day Divine Assistance program. This program helps integrate the energy received during the session, supporting your ongoing spiritual development.
YES - you can select the Light Chamber you will receive within.
You also have the option of allowing your Higher Self to decide which of the 3 enlightened chambers is the highest for you to receive within.
This is optimal if you are unsure, or you are happy for your Higher Self to take care of the choice for you.
Your Higher Self understands everything about your present health and well-being. This ensures that you receive the most beneficial energy and support for your spiritual journey.
The number of sessions needed varies depending on your individual circumstances and goals. While some may feel a difference after one session, others may benefit from multiple sessions, especially if addressing deep-seated issues or pursuing advanced spiritual growth.
No specific preparation is required. However, it’s recommended to be in a calm and receptive state before the session to maximize the benefits. Afterward, staying hydrated and allowing time for rest can support the integration process.
The sessions are generally safe and non-invasive. Some individuals may experience temporary emotional releases or physical sensations as part of the healing and integration process. These are typically mild and short-lived. If you have concerns, please use our contact page.
Yes, the Healing Light Chamber, in particular, can support the healing of physical and emotional challenges. However, it’s important to approach these sessions as complementary to conventional treatments, not as a replacement. Always consult with a healthcare professional for medical issues.